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My name is Sarah Linden, and I spent four months studying in Seville, Spain. During that period I bolted across Europe nearly every weekend, visiting popular tourist destinations and some cities where I just happened to find crazy-low RyanAir tickets.


Traveling is always fantastic, but at some point each cathedral starts to look the same, shopping grows tiresome (I could also write a blog about the nuances of Zara in each country), and museum ticket prices add up. To escape the throngs of guided travelers and the feeling of being a tourist I turned to exercise. From runs on the cliffs of Lagos to tapping it back along with France's trendies crowd, I used my workouts to have fun, meet locals, and stay sane during the craziness that is travel.


Stay tuned as I continue sharing my experiences across the United States, Europe and beyond. Feel free to contact me at or through any of the social media links below!

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